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doTERRA Oils

doTERRA Essential Oils
doTERRA Essential Oils
doTERRA Essential Oils

  Prices and packages 

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doTERRA Diffusers
doTERRA Diffusers
doTERRA Diffusers

After ordering any Diffuser, you'll get discounts of 25 - 55% on each product for one year.

doTERRA Diffusers

Daniel & Estera

Your consultants in doTERRA

doTERRA Diffusers
doTERRA Diffusers

27.00 PV


Move Diffuser & Citrus Spring

The doTERRA Move speaker is designed to accompany you wherever you go, inspiring you with moments where you feel the presence of nature.

doTERRA Diffusers

26.13 PV


Bubble Diffuser & Citrus Twist

Discover the effectiveness of the doTERRA Bubble portable diffuser in combination with Citrus Twist (15ml). A special duo, both on limited offer.

doTERRA Diffusers

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31.50 PV


Volo Diffuser & Green mandarin

The diffuser has three options: no light, warm light and amber light. Enjoy the desired diffusion rhythm.

doTERRA Diffusers

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0 PV


Volo Diffuser - Marble

The diffuser has three options: no light, warm light and amber light. Enjoy the desired diffusion rhythm.

doTERRA Diffusers

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31.50 PV


Volo Diffuser & Green mandarin

This unique speaker benefits from a range of multiple settings, which you can adapt to your liking. It's perfect for any room.

doTERRA Diffusers

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0 PV


Volo Diffuser - Onyx

This unique speaker benefits from a range of multiple settings, which you can adapt to your liking. It's perfect for any room.

doTERRA Diffusers

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21.50 PV


Pilot Diffuser & Mint

The Pilot Diffuser pairs wonderfully with Peppermint, the must-have oil in any home. Being lightweight, it's perfect for small spaces.

doTERRA Diffusers

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0 PV


Pilot Diffuser

The Pilot speaker is small, lightweight and portable. It's suitable for office and car use. Take it with you anywhere and enjoy nature.

doTERRA Diffusers

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12.54 PV


Trio Petal Diffuser

This trio is a welcome, beautiful and happy meeting of the doTERRA Petal speaker 2.0 with Wild Orange and Lavender.

doTERRA Diffusers

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Personalise your registration

The products in the kits are cheaper than buying them separately, but if you want something different, you can choose at least one product you want to sign up for and you'll get 25% off for a whole year. The sign-up fee will automatically be added to your order. Personalise your subscription

doTERRA Diffusers

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Order the products you want

The products in the kits are cheaper than buying them separately, but if you want something different, you can choose at least one product you want to sign up for and you'll get 25% off for a whole year. The sign-up fee will automatically be added to your order. Personalise your subscription

doTERRA Diffusers

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0 PV


Petal Diffuser 2.0

The Petal diffuser is small and simple to use! The interesting mist and ambient white light make it ideal for night-time broadcasting.

doTERRA Diffusers

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0 PV


doTERRA Diffuser Laluz

From now on, any space can become a haven of luxury and relaxation with doTERRA Laluz. Thanks to its elegant design, it fits anywhere.

doTERRA Diffusers

doTERRA Diffusers

Nature in our homes

Choose the right Diffuser

From doTERRA, for your family!

doTERRA Diffusers

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Ce sunt uleiurile esențiale? 

  Uleiurile esenţiale sunt compuși aromatici naturali care se găsesc în seminţele, scoarţa, tulpinile, rădăcinile, florile și alte părţi ale plantelor. Parfumul lor poate fi minunat și puternic. Dacă v-aţi bucurat vreodată de parfumul unui trandafir, de o plimbare pe lângă un câmp de levănţică sau de parfumul de mentă proaspăt tăiată, aţi experimentat calităţile aromatice ale uleiurilor esenţiale.

  Uleiurile esenţiale sunt utilizate din cele mai vechi timpuri în anumite culturi pentru proprietăţile lor benefice pentru sănătate. Tendinţele actuale către o abordare holistică a îngrijirii personale și extinderea validării știinţifice a practicilor alternative de îngrijire a sănătăţii au condus la redescoperirea beneficiilor profunde ale uleiurilor esenţiale pentru sănătate.

  Uleiurile esențiale dōTERRA sunt 100% naturale și sigure, sunt pure și puternice, de aceea ele reprezintă cea mai bună opțiune naturistă pe care o putem avea la îndemnână. În natură, uleiurile esențiale reprezintă sistemul de apărare al plantelor împotriva dăunătorilor și paraziților, adică: sistemul imunitar al plantei.

a fel, pentru apariția elementelor de tip text poți seta un efect de animație.

 Rezultatele testelor făcute asupra uleiurilor esențiale sunt făcute public pe site-ul www.sourcetoyou.com. Pe fundul fiecărei sticluțe de ulei esențial există un cod, dacă introducem acel cod pe site putem vedea buletinul de analize, data recoltării și a distilării, proveniența, etc...

doTERRA Diffusers
doTERRA Diffusers
doTERRA Diffusers
15 January 2023
Essential oils are the best of a plant because they are the essence of the
08 January 2023
Since we hear so much about essential oils, you may have asked yourself the question

The content of this website is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for a doctor's visit or treatment.

Uleiuri esențiale doTERRA l Uleiuri doTERRA l Produse doTERRA
doTERRA Essential Oils
  1. ro
doTERRA Essential Oils
